Come & Get It

  • Released: 2004
  • Format: CD
  1. She Belongs To Me (Maghett)
  2. Ain’t Too Old (Simmons)
  3. Come And Get It (Carter)
  4. Bring It On Back Home (Kennard)
  5. What Have I Done Wrong (Otis)
  6. Romance Without Finance (Parker, Grimes)
  7. I Don’t Think I Could (Németh)
  8. Don’t You Talk (Németh)
  9. Late Night Boogie (Németh)
  10. Let Me Hold You (Németh)
  11. I’m Gonna Drop You (Németh)
  12. Love In Vain (Unknown)
  13. Yes, My Darlin’ (Bartholomew, Domino)
  14. Careless Love (Handy)
  15. She’s Gone Away, But (Darnell, Hunte)
  16. “Boy! John Németh can really belt it out!” – Charlie Musselwhite

    “If you hear these songs on the radio for the first time, you’ll presume you’re listening to one of the ’50s Rhythm and Blues legends. You’ll hear vocalisms that remind you of Ray Charles or Junior Parker or Fats Domino.

    John Németh is a natural-born Bluesman, and he proves it with every note he sings, shaping each one with emotion, taste and inspiration. As with the best singers, every phrase delivered is just right, neither over-sung nor under-powered. The subtle inflections and references to masterful singers bring fresh surprises with repeated listening. John Németh makes it sound easy.” – Bob Margolin


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